Pull Requests

Pull requests are the primary way we get code changes from a feature/bug branch into one of our big branches like main, develop, or feature/area51. They usually go through a review process to make sure they are defect free.

Pull Requests via GUI

The easiest way we have to get your code reviewed and merged into a major branch is to create a feature, push that feature up to GitSmeg, and have someone review it. Here is the workflow:

  • Create your new feature branch

  • Make your mods

  • Commit your mods

  • Push (or publish) your feature up to Origin

  • Go into the GitSmeg GUI, select your feature

  • Make your pull request (against main, develop, or feature/area51)

  • Ask for a review, and get it accepted. Make revisions based on review

  • Then merge your changes into develop, removing the feature branch

  • Finally, from original branch, do a git pull to sync up

Pull Requests via CLI

Everything is similar to the above sequence except you need to install one or both of the CLI tools for the different Git cloud services:

Creating a PR on CLI

These two commands will guide you through the process to create a PR:

For GitHub:

gh pr create -b <base_branch>

For Gitlab:

glab mr create --fill -b <base_branch>

Merge a PR on CLI

For GitHub:

gh pr merge <url>

For Gitlab:

glab mr merge <number>

Review a PR on CLI

For GitHub:

gh pr review [url]

For Gitlab you should use the Gitlab website

Placing your PR on Draft when you don’t Want it Merged

If you have a PR that is still in development, or you don’t want that PR merged for any reason, make sure to mark that PR as Draft. Look for Convert to Draft in your PR.