The hotfix release process is used often in software development. Its purpose is to allow critical fixes to be made to the main branch. When a customer finds a critical bug that has to get fixed fast, the hotfix is a good solution.
Do not release a hotfix unless Quality Assurance has tested it.
The hotfix process starts from main, and is merged back into main, but also merged into develop to keep that branch consistent. Once the hotfix mission is completed, it is destroyed as per the following diagram:
![digraph hotfix {
node [shape=point, width=0];
edge [arrowhead=none];
// Main branch
m1 -> m2 -> m3 -> m5 [weight=10] ;
m5 -> m6 [arrowhead=normal, width=0];
m2 -> h1 [arrowhead=normal];
h1 -> m3 [arrowhead=normal];
// Hotfix branch
h1 -> h2 [color=blue, dir=back, arrowhead=normal];
h2 [label="hotfix", shape=plaintext, fontcolor=deeppink];
// Develop branch
d1 -> d2 -> d3 -> d5 [weight=10];
d5 -> d6 [arrowhead=normal, width=0];
h1 -> d3 [arrowhead=normal];
// Invisible edges for alignment
{rank=same; m2 -> d2 [style=invis]}
{rank=same; m3 -> d3 [style=invis]}
// Labels
m1 [label="main", shape=plaintext, fontcolor=blue];
d1 [label="develop", shape=plaintext, fontcolor=darkgreen];
// Make certain nodes more visible
// m2, m3, h1, d3 [shape=point, width=0.01, style=filled, color=black];
m2 [shape=oval, label="m0"];
m3 [shape=oval, label=m1];
d3 [shape=oval, label=d1];
h1 [shape=point, width=0.4, style=filled, color=deeppink];
Git diagram for a Hotfix
First lets get all the version numbers in order. We’ll make bash variables for these.
Assume that develop is already incremented by a Major or Minor revision.
Here we use a 3 digit versioning system: Major.Minor.Revision, EX: 2.4.5
Develop branch already differs from main by a Major or Minor number
We use the following bash variables to reference our version numbers:
export OLD_PROD=2.2.0 export NEW_PROD=2.2.1 export DEVELOP=2.3.0
Hotfix Workflow
The hotfix process is as follows:
git checkout main
git pull
git checkout -b hofix/$NEW_PROD main
Edit any code that references versions: change $OLD_PROD -> $NEW_PROD
git commit -am “Start $NEW_PROD Hotfix: Version $OLD_PROD -> $NEW_PROD”
Create a PR:
Squash all small commits for clarity
Ensure all tests pass
Ensure QA passes (if any)
Finish the hotfix:
git checkout main
git merge –squash hotfix/$NEW_PROD
git push origin main
git branch -d hotfix/2.2.1
Using the gh CLI for HOTFIX
The gh command can make the hotfix workflow a bit easier. Here is how:
git checkout -b hotfix/$NEW_PROD main
Make needed changes to your code: version numbers and fixes
git commit -am “Hotfix: Fix critical issue in version $OLD_PROD”
Create a PR (creates pr #1234)
gh pr create \ --title "Hotfix: Fix ACME-911 in $OLD_PROD" \ --base main --head hotfix/$NEW_PROD >> Created pull request #1234
Get approval for your pr #1234
gh pr merge 1234
Commit Changes to Hotfix (deprecated):
Here follow a normal defect-fix process but adapted to be based on the hotfix. Once defects are made and hotfix is finished, hotfix will get merged into both main and develop branches. Details ensue:
Make and commit changes needed in $NEW_PROD hotfix
git flow feature start ACME-XXX hotfix/$NEW_PROD
git flow feature publish
work, work, commit & push
make pull request from feature/ACME-XXX to hotfix/$NEW_PROD
Ensure small commits are squashed: :ref:`squashing_multiple_commits`
review and merge
git checkout hotfix/$NEW_PROD
git pull
repeat for all other existing issues
Make sure to clean up all features branches that are merged: Clean Git Repo Branches
Finish Hotfix After all Fixes are Made
Now all hotfix changes are made and you are ready to merge into main (and implicitly, develop).
QA must test and approve the hotfix branch before you perform the folloing steps. Make sure you have approval before releasing.
QA has tested and approved all defects, or you have higher approval
Update Release section
Update Changes section
git commit -am “Finish $NEW_PROD Hotfix: Version $OLD_PROD -> $NEW_PROD”
git push
- git flow hotfix finish $NEW_PROD
When asked for the tag, use:
On the entry page specify: tag $NEW_PROD
You will be automatically merged into develop
- More than likely you will see a merge conflict with on the develop branch
fix the version in to match $DEVELOP
git add
git commit -a # Remove any conflict log entry, assuming you resolved it
git push
fix any other conflicts, commit, and push
git flow hotfix finish $NEW_PROD
git push origin main
git push origin develop
git push –tags
Sanity Check
You should now be in the develop branch. Make sure all branch logs look like what you expect them to be. At the very least, make sure that:
git status on all branches is clean
main logs have the hotfix changes
develop logs have the hotfix changes
The main and develop diff has no hotfix changes:
git diff main..develop
Here are some other (undocumented) commands that may be useful:
git status
git log –all -p –graph
git diff main –stat
git checkout main
git log –graph
git checkout - # (returns to develop branch)
Build the Master on CICD
If your hotfix process is not automated, you may have to run your CICD process manually. If so, do this now.